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Super Savings on Packing Supplies at Masons Self Storage!

We’ve Slashed Prices on Our Most Popular Packing Items! At Masons Self Storage, we know how important it is to have the right supplies for your packing and moving needs. That’s why we’re excited to announce amazing price reductions on some of our most popular packing items. Take a look at our new special deals:

Combat clutter with Simply Shredding Cardiff

Some of you may remember that back in February 2019, here at Masons Self Storage, we expanded the range of services that we offer and became the Cardiff franchise of Simply Shredding. Providing the Vale with a secure shredding service for confidential documents has been a huge success, as well as offering our local businesses

How to declutter your home in the New Year

At the start of the new year, it’s completely normal for your home to feel cluttered or untidy, especially if the festive season was filled with family get-togethers and receiving gifts that you still need to designate to a special spot. To declutter your home for the year ahead, let’s unpack the top 5 options

Top 5 Reasons For Using Self-Storage in Barry At Christmas: More Space Makes For Merrier Moments

The most beautiful time of the year is finally here! Snow painted pavements shimmering white, glorious ornate Christmas trees peeking through frosty windows, and family and friends coming together to celebrate the festivities.  But not to burst the bauble, is your home ready to welcome Christmas and New Year’s celebrations with wide open arms? Or

How to declutter toys & organise playful spaces

If you’re searching for how to declutter toys, chances are you’re fed up with the sheer amount of toys lying around your child’s bedroom, playroom, or other parts of your home. Clutter not only makes a home look untidy, it can also make you feel stressed and unfocused.  In the process of decluttering your kid’s

How to prepare appliances for self storage: 8 easy steps to keep your kitchen appliances  safe & functional in self storage

Whether you’re moving, renovating, or simply in need of long or short-term storage to create more space in your home, it is crucial to know how to prepare appliances for self storage. In this article, we will provide you with 8 valuable tips to ensure the safety and preservation of your appliances while they are

Your search for how to store books for long-term storage ends here! This is all you need to know to keep your book collection cosy & safe

If you love reading, we know how precious your book collection is to you. They’ve taken you on journeys, taught you things about life, and freed your imagination in ways you never thought possible. In a perfect world, you won’t even think about searching, how to store books for long-term storage. Instead, you’ll have them

Procrastinating packing? Get motivated & stay motivated with these 7 packing tips for moving home

As the chilly winter season loosens its grip, the busiest time for home moves is nearing. During summer, from June to September, the UK real estate market is a hive of activity, with around 30% of homeowners moving during the toasty summer holidays. If your home move is a few months away, this is the

Feel good, not guilty about letting go of sentimental clutter – with tips on how to store sentimental items you’re keeping

Clearing clutter is a tedious task most of us have to knuckle down and do when moving house or trying to free-up space in a home bursting at the seams with stuff. The hardest part for most people is sorting out sentimental items, such as your kids’ drawings, Mother’s Day cards, inherited pieces, souvenirs, and gifts.

A new baby on the way? Here’s your guide on how to prep your house – & don’t forget to create more space with self storage!

A big congratulations if you’re welcoming a new member to your family. We know you’re probably busy buying baby clothes, attending birthing classes and getting your emotions and finances in order for the special day. With so much to do, you may be delaying getting your house ready before the little one arrives.  However, there’s

On the search for your first self-storage unit? These 6 tips will help you find the best storage provider

Self-storage units have become an essential part of everyday life simply because it’s an easy and affordable way to free up space in your home or office. For those looking for their first self-storage unit, the following tips will make the process smoother and ensure you find the right facility for your unique needs. It’s

Prepping your seasonal items for winter storage keeps it looking fresh

The season for big warm coats is upon us and many people are making space in their homes by placing their summer equipment and furniture in self-storage. But, before you get started, make sure you prep your items properly to avoid damage in the season where freezing temperatures and water are your biggest enemies.  From

How decluttering can boost your mental health

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by life piling up around you or you have a significant life event coming up soon, decluttering can be a cathartic experience. It is the process of getting rid of unwanted items in your life that no longer serve you, and it can help to clear out space for new things

Living on the Road: The Ultimate Checklist

For many people, living life on the road is a dream! Whether you want to become a digital nomad or have big plans to travel around the world, it’s a huge adventure. Living on the road full time isn’t easy, but if the last year has shown us anything, it’s that the world can change

5 ways to get your kids involved in decluttering & chores

Teaching children how to do chores and incorporating it into their everyday lives is an important part of parenting. Whether it’s doing laundry, putting their toys away, or cleaning the dishes, children need to understand what goes into keeping a home tidy and uncluttered. But if you’re struggling to get your children excited about chores

5 Tips for Turning Your Shed into a Home Office

After the last year, we’ve all largely gotten used to being at home a lot. However, if you’re finding yourself racing to claim the kitchen table to work in the mornings or have grown tired working on the sofa, have you considered creating your own home office in a shed in your garden? At first,

Self-Storage Tips: The Dos & Don’ts!

Here at Masons Self Storage, we know that it can be really confusing choosing a self-storage facility and getting your belongings ready for storage, so we’ve put together this handy guide to help!    Choosing your unit Do choose a reliable storage company – make sure you’re choosing a company that you can trust with

Upcycling Projects for all the Family: Cans

We don’t know about you, but every time we do our food shops, we buy lots of canned goods! Canned food is great, inexpensive and staples that can sit in the cupboard for months, from baked beans to chopped tomatoes, our cupboards are filled with cans!    Here at Masons Self Storage, we’ve been having

Preparing for a Car Boot Sale

  At Masons Self Storage, it’s no secret that we’re big fans of Marie Kondo and keeping our lives clear of clutter! In fact, the Penarth View even recently featured our top tips for decluttering FAST!    In lockdown, we’ve all had a bit more time for having a sort out and finding some more

5 Home Renovation Projects for this Summer!

We’ve all been at home for something like 20 (million) weeks now and it can’t only be us that has started to go a bit stir-crazy thinking about the little things in our house that we’d change or improve? So, if you’ve already Marie Kondo’d your entire house, why not use the summer to tackle

Masons’ Top Tips for Preparing to Move Home in Lockdown!

Organising a house move is already one of life’s biggest challenges, a global pandemic is sure to make it an even more difficult task to navigate! Here at Masons Self Storage, we know that it’s affecting our customers home moves and we’re seeing lots of customers turning to us as interim storage whilst they wait

Masons Self Storage’s Top Tips for Decluttering in Lockdown

As many of you will know, we love a declutter here at Masons Self Storage! Whether you’re searching for your joy in true Marie Kondo style or the lockdown has revealed that you desperately need more space at home, we’re here to help! Recently, we spoke to our friends at Penarth View about the joys

As Seen in the Penarth View: De-clutter FAST with Masons!

De-cluttering and helping our customers find more space in their homes is a passion of ours here at Masons Self Storage, in fact, we’ve written a lot about Marie Kondo and top tips to de-cluttering at home. So, we were delighted when our friends at Penarth View got in touch to ask about the top

Take the Guesswork out of Self-Storage with Masons’ New Storage Calculator

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do and are what keep us striving forwards. Through four generations of Masons, we’ve continued to find new and innovative approaches to bring our customers everything they need. Our professionally trained staff are the absolute best at what they do, and we’re pleased to say that